Gospel: John 3:1-17
March 8, 2020
It was the middle of October some years ago when I was with our school’s 6th Grade at Camp Allen. On this particular morning, our group was scheduled to participate in what the counselors there call the “giant swing.” In this aptly named challenge, participants wore helmets and harnesses, and were supervised by a trained facilitator. It was quite safe. It just didn’t look safe.
In the “giant swing” challenge, the youth who volunteered ascended a ladder, two at a time, and wrapped their arms around a wooden bar suspended from ropes. Then, each one’s harness was attached to the bar and checked by the facilitator. To begin the swinging, the participants were hoisted back and upward, up to 25 feet in the air. When the swing was released it was quite a thrill ride, moving back and forth, until coming to a stop on its own.
Now to be clear, you would never catch me on this contraption. I was always careful to stress this as an optional activity for our groups...there was no requirement to ride the “giant swing.” Each year some students would opt out with me and watch from the side. The adults’ role was to encourage and support the students as they discovered their level of tolerance with each activity.
This particular year, there was a 12-year-old who was in line for the giant swing, but he was in tears. I quietly reminded him that the activity was optional; he was welcome to bow out and stay on the sidelines with others who had declined. But he would have none of that; he held his place in line and when his turn came, climbed up onto the swing beside his classmate, where the facilitator attached his harness to the bar. After the challenge, he was a little embarrassed that he had cried, but mostly he was so very proud of himself!
What this youngster did was the very definition of courage. In order to be courageous you have to be experiencing fear. And, the greater the fear, the more courage it takes. Courage is the ability to face difficulties and challenges despite our fears.
Does it seem like it takes more and more courage just to function day to day? Risk is a part of the soup in which we live. Of course, the big risk du jour is the novel coronavirus which has rapidly spread from one end of the earth to the other. As this sermon was being prepared, at least 5 people in Harris County had tested positive for Covid-19. These people had all recently travelled to other countries, so presumably infections have not yet originated locally. We do not have confirmed cases in Galveston, but you know it’s just a matter of time. The risk for infection is low, but people are definitely taking precautions. I see this, for example, in the depletion of local stocks of hand gel. Bishop Doyle directed the clergy late Thursday to take some precautions in our worship. As it turns out, Grace began implementing most of these precautions last Sunday.
My son and daughter-in-law had been planning to take our grandson, Jonah, to the Houston Rodeo today. They know Jonah would love the petting zoo there. But, I’m not sure if they are going to take him after all. I don’t think they fear being infected with the novel coronavirus at this point, anyway. Their worry is over the question: “What happens if someone who attended this crowded event is later diagnosed with Covid-19?” “Will the whole family need to go into quarantine for 2 weeks?”
Doing anything worthwhile involves personal risk and exposure. Even to love another person is taking a risk. I love my grandson, but I’m also constantly worrying about that kid! Is he worth the worry….absolutely! The choice we face is a choice between Love and Fear. God in Christ offers us the courage to choose Love.
In our first reading, we heard God’s call to Abram. (God would later designate Abram as “Abraham” which in Hebrew means “father of a multitude.”) God’s call at this point, meant moving from the familiar place where Abram had grown up with his family….it does not sound like Abram was even given the destination at first. He simply set out as the “Lord had told him,” and that took the courage to believe. By trusting God and letting go of the safety and comfort of the familiar, Abram would be able to change the world to better align with God’s loving purpose. Abram chose Love over fear.
Nicodemus is called a “leader of the Jews,” so he was likely a member of the Sanhedrin, the ruling council headed by the Chief Priest. Nicodemus was a rabbi of great learning and stature. What would people think if they knew that Nicodemus was seeking out Jesus? What could such a highly placed leader learn from a lowly itinerant preacher? Would others on the Sanhedrin think Nicodemus was betraying the nation by going to see Jesus? Courage is like the Spirit, it is a mystery how we come to have it. In my imagination, Nicodemus was inspired by the way Jesus taught and demonstrated Love. God gave Nicodemus the courage to chose Love over fear.
The readings today show us how courage enabled our spiritual ancestors to face fear. Nicodemus took the precaution of waiting until cover of darkness to find Jesus. It is on us to face our fear of infection and to respond in ways that are reasonable and consistent with God’s Love. Are there reasonable precautions we should take now to prepare for the days and weeks to come? What supplies or food would we need to hunker-down for 2 weeks if we were quarantined? We’ve been more diligent about washing our hands, but do we make it a habit to disinfect our phones as well? What risks might Love require us to take in the coming days and weeks? Caring for elderly parents, running errands for a homebound friend, providing childcare for your grandchild….all of the things we do beyond the doors of our homes may need a second thought now. Let us pray for discernment to know when Love requires us to stay home and when to venture out. Let us see a quarantine, if imposed, as a way to love our neighbor. Let us pray for the courage to choose Love over fear, and especially for the courage to hope for the future beyond the present moment. AMEN
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